
The one reason not to have Facebook*

Tina Brown é editora da Newsweek e a mulher de quem todos falam por estes dias. São dias de grande mudança, para uma das mais prestigiadas revistas norte-americanas, que no final de Dezembro deixará de ser publicada em papel para existir apenas na internet.   
Foi aqui que fui chamada à atenção para a entrevista de Tina Brown à New York Magazine
Gostei do que li, mas apetece-me destacar esta passagem sobre o Facebook porque se tivesse postada merecia um "ganda" LIKE!  

What about Facebook?
No, I don’t use Facebook. I absolutely don’t want to stay in touch with everybody in my past. I really believe in falling out of touch with people. There’s something very healthy about not seeing someone for three years, not knowing what they’re doing, running into them, and finding that they’re now utterly changed. You know, they have gray hair now and they’re divorced. If I was on Facebook, I would know all those things, and I don’t want to know them.

*Hey, don't look at me. I'm a Facebook bitch!

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